Cameron Manavian

CEO | CTO | Engineer

Current 📅

You can read more about me and my 15+ years of professional software engineering background on my bio page.

Open-Source 🧑‍💻

Talks 🗣️

I like teaching and mentoring, and especially love participating in Lightning Talks, Presentations, Panels, and Conventions. I also organize a local Rust meetup in Los Angeles - RustLang.LA

Upcoming Talks

Past Talks

  • Modern Fullstack with Rust: Writing Reliable Code at RustLang.LA

  • Modern Fullstack with Rust: Writing Reliable Code at RustLab October 2020
  • Welcome to the Machine - Learning in a Browser With JS at July 2020 (Video)
  • CDNs: Optimize You Site With Faster Content at WordCamp Los Angeles 2018

Games 🎮

Articles 📰

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